Årsberetning Dansk Center for Byhistorie


  • Mikkel Thelle


byhistorie, årsberetning, Den Gamle By


Danish Centre for Urban History annual report
The center has been working on different tracks this year, on
both long term and more short term projects. Of the former,
the book about then Danish cities in the Middle Ages has been
one of the larger ones, and we are proud to have published it.
This endeavor began in 1977 with the project “Middelalderbyen”
(“The Medieval Town”), and finishing it with a thorough research
synthesis is a great pleasure. Many thanks to the two authors,
Bjørn Poulsen and Hans Krongaard Kristensen, and to the Velux
Foundation for its generous support. Further, the center has been
engaged in relevant national and international cooperations,
for example with the research network “Shop, city, consumer”
which is interested in Danish consumption culture in cities since
1660. Also, in cooperation with Odense City Museums, we have
completed a project on the “Unclean City” that will result in a
publication and also participated workshops with international
partners in both Berlin and Johannesburg, where we are
discussing contested public spaces. On the research side, there
are five Ph.D.-students attached to the center, of which three are
working within the broad “Welfare cities” field. Young researchers
in urban history are thus carrying out interesting work here.





Thelle, M. (2017). Årsberetning Dansk Center for Byhistorie. Den Gamle By: Danmarks Købstadmuseum (Årbog), 82(82), 129. Hentet fra https://www.dengamlebyaarbog.dk/article/view/25205


