Årets gang og planer for fremtiden


  • Thomas Bloch Ravn


årsberetning, Den Gamle By, Kulturhovedstad


Annual Report
Den Gamle By is still doing well. The museum has the benefit of
healthy visitor numbers, a good revenue stream, well-functioning
operations, and the continual completion of projects that are
enjoyed by the museum’s large audience. We are waiting tensely
to find out what the final decision in the matter of the protected
status of the Botanical Garden will mean for the future development
of Den Gamle By, and we are hoping that the politicians at
Christiansborg will not reduce state support for the museum as
much as they have indicated they would. This is because a good
physical environment and good economic conditions are a prerequisite
for continued development of Den Gamle By, which has
been identified as Denmark’s best-known museum by a major
study carried out by the tourism organization Visit Denmark.
The 1974 neighborhood has been expanded with a day care
center and a blind man’s apartment, and until April 2017 visitors
can experience a Danish-Somali home established by the
in cooperation with six Somali women. The exhibit
Børne TVs Historie (“The History of Children’s Television”) focuses
on children’s television during the last sixty years, and the museum
has presented activities related to children and food.
It was a productive year as regards book publications: The
museum published books on the history of chocolate and the
history of the hospital as well as a work on medieval towns and
the book Made in Aarhus, which was published in celebration of
status as the European Capital of Culture in 2017.





Ravn, T. B. (2017). Årets gang og planer for fremtiden. Den Gamle By: Danmarks Købstadmuseum (Årbog), 82(82), 129. Hentet fra https://www.dengamlebyaarbog.dk/article/view/25196


