The South Harbour
Den Gamle By has been given a new harbour neighbourhood in the modern city district Sydhavnen. The area was built in 2017-19 and
houses the museum’s carpentry workshops, smithy and exhibition section. Sydhavnen was created on the basis of ideas of combining necessary, practical facilities with good storytelling. The place can tell the story of how the older city-close industry was moved out and the buildings were taken over by craftsmen and small traders. The buildings have been created as reconstructions with inspiration in industrial buildings from Frederikshavn, Svenstrup and Esbjerg. The museum has chosen to work with reconstruction so we can uncompromisingly create an optimal framework for the museum’s craftsmen, but at the same time it has created the opportunity to train in craft methods that are no longer practiced. Sydhavnen is also the place where the museum visitors can in future look in on the smith or the carpenter and follow what they do in the workshops – not as arranged historical presentation but as a way of gaining insight into the everyday life of a craftsman in Den Gamle By