Den Gamle By i børnehøjde

Den Gamle By seen from children’s perspective


  • Marianne Bager


In 2018, 103.273 children visited Den Gamle By, and the museum is ranked as no. 1 on the list of museums in Denmark that are visited by most children. In this article the head of the Education Team, Marianne Bager, explains the ideas and theories that lie behind the many activities for children that take place in the museum throughout the year, both leisure activities and teaching courses for school classes. The basic methods of passing on the history of culture to children are the use of drama, practical-aesthetic learning and involvement of the children. Two recent projects are also mentioned: the developing of dilemma-based communication and the project. Knowledge and experiences for all.





Bager, M. (2020). Den Gamle By i børnehøjde: Den Gamle By seen from children’s perspective. Den Gamle By: Danmarks Købstadmuseum (Årbog), 85, 7. Hentet fra