Farver på byen


  • Erik Nellemann Nielsen


gavlreklamer, farver, reklamer, facade, skiltemaler, 1927


Gables and facade advertisements
In the summer of 2020, Den Gamle By was able to present six gable and facade advertisements that illuminate the street scene in the
1927 neighbourhood. The work with the advertisements has been an
inspiring and instructive job for Den Gamle By’s sign painters.
In 1927 the gable and facade advertisements could be created
as copies of enamelled or other existing models, or they could be
adapted to the gables. The painters had a high degree of freedom
in the work – as did Den Gamle By’s sign painters when they were to
recreate the gable advertisements in the 1927 neighbourhood. The
gable and facade ads are an important element of the street scene
in the 1927 neighbourhood and show what meant something at the
time. They point forward to a more modern period to which the museum visitors can relate today.





Nielsen, E. N. (2021). Farver på byen. Den Gamle By: Danmarks Købstadmuseum (Årbog), 86(86), 8. Hentet fra https://www.dengamlebyaarbog.dk/article/view/125445