Årets gang og planer for fremtiden


  • Thomas Bloch Ravn


krise, Gæstgivergården, Besættelsesmuseet, corona, covid19, opbakning, økonomi


Up until the time of writing at the beginning of October, 2020 has
been an extraordinarily hard year for Den Gamle By, and the future
still seems uncertain. But there are also rays of hope.
First the accounts for 2019 showed a deficit that was painful.
Then the Corona crisis laid Den Gamle By waste and removed much
of the public revenue on which the museum is so dependent. Then
came stimulus packages and support from many sides, but despite
this there will undoubtedly be a severe financial setback the extent
of which we do not yet quite know – not least because another wave
of the epidemic threatens Denmark with a new setback.
However during the crisis Den Gamle By has also experienced
unique support from many sides, and we have succeeded in moving forward with important development projects. In August we
opened a new, renewed Occupation Museum, and in October the
new restaurant ’Gæstgivergården’ opened. This gives us hope that
Den Gamle By will make it through the crisis – in one way or another.





Ravn, T. B. (2021). Årets gang og planer for fremtiden. Den Gamle By: Danmarks Købstadmuseum (Årbog), 86(86), 24. Hentet fra https://www.dengamlebyaarbog.dk/article/view/125449