Årets gang og planer for fremtiden


  • Thomas Bloch Ravn


Efter nogle hårde år er Den Gamle By nu for alvor ved igen at komme oven vande. Det går godt med besøgstallet, som i skrivende stund ligger næsten 50.000 over 2022. Også restauranter og butikker er i god gænge, og går julen som sidste år, vil der forhåbentlig være grundlag for at opgradere organisationen, så vi for alvor kan begynde at indhente det betydelige efterslæb, der opstod under coronakrisen.

Back on Track
After a few challenging years, Den Gamle By is now making a real comeback. Visitor numbers are looking strong, currently  exceeding the figures of 2022 by 50,000. The restaurants and shops are also thriving, and if Christmas goes as well as it did last year, we are hopeful that we will have a foundation for upgrading the organisation, allowing us to address the significant challenges that emerged during the COVID-19 crisis. We are eagerly awaiting the impact of the government’s planned reform of museum funding. Will they distribute the resources thinly across the entire country, or will they prioritise the museums that enjoy popular favour, contribute to tourism and tell stories that resonate with many Danes? We don’t know, but we hope the government will support beacons like Den Gamle By, which can be seen from afar and are cherished by many.





Bloch Ravn, T. (2024). Årets gang og planer for fremtiden. Den Gamle By: Danmarks Købstadmuseum (Årbog), 89(89), 13–34. Hentet fra https://www.dengamlebyaarbog.dk/article/view/142959