Bladtegningen - en kommentar i tiden


  • Elsebeth Aasted Schanz


Endnu en udstilling er føjet til Den Gamle Bys mangfoldighed af oplevelser. 25. august i år kunne museet nemlig slå dørene op til en broget verden af bladtegninger. Leder af Museet for Dansk Bladtegning Elsebeth Aasted Schanz fortæller her om overvejelserne bag den permanente udstilling.


The Museum of Editorial Cartoons
On August 25 2023 Her Majesty Queen Margrethe cut the ribbon for The Museum of Editorial Cartoons and thereby opened the permanent exhibition of Danish newspaper and cartoons in Den Gamle By. The cartoons can be experienced in the yellow pavilion beyond the main entrance. This pavilion was designed by Anton Rosen (1859-1928) and built for The National Exhibition of 1909 in Aarhus. The exhibition displays 175 years of editorial cartoon history and is based on a collection of around 300,000 cartoons by 225 different cartoonists. Since the mid-1800s cartoons have captivated and captured the world around us and showcased the present through their art lines. Cartoons are the heartbeat of their age, and the collection is a living entity where the many genres of editorial cartoons will be continually displayed and updated. As such, The Museum of Editorial Cartoons is actual contemporary history with strong roots in the past.






Aasted Schanz, E. (2024). Bladtegningen - en kommentar i tiden. Den Gamle By: Danmarks Købstadmuseum (Årbog), 89(89), 57–64. Hentet fra