Mad i fortid, nutid og fremtid - og i den Gamle By


  • Christian Rasmussen


Mad er ikke bare noget, folk putter i munden. Mad siger noget om, hvem man er, og hvor man kommer fra. Mad er en rejse fra jord til bord, men også en rejse i fortid, nutid og fremtid. Alle har brug for mad. Vi dyrker, opbevarer, transporterer, spiser, smider ud eller genbruger. Når vi spiser, bidrager vi til historien med vores valg af råvarer. Museumsinspektør Christian Rasmussen fortæller om madkulturen – også Den Gamle Bys.

FOOD – More Than a Meal
You are what you eat, as the old saying goes. However, there is much more to food than what we put in our mouths. In Den Gamle
By’s summer theme for 2023 “FOOD – More Than a Meal”, visitors could smell, taste, and learn all about food and its cultural history
in Denmark. From May to October, activities all around Den Gamle By let visitors explore historical kitchens and gardens, try food-related family activities, and enjoy historical meals. A special exhibition was also part of “FOOD – more than a meal”. It looked at food
from a broad social perspective and presented examples of how Nordic companies and organizations work with food and food-related
products today, and how they make them sustainable.






Rasmussen, C. (2024). Mad i fortid, nutid og fremtid - og i den Gamle By. Den Gamle By: Danmarks Købstadmuseum (Årbog), 89(89), 71–80. Hentet fra