En Torvedag i Wiiborg 1831


  • Thomas Bloch Ravn


Martinus Rørbyes fine maleri af en torvedag i Viborg indgår nu i Den Gamle Bys samling af købstadsprospekter. Malerens gengivelse af motivet er så etnografisk fintmærket, at det også er en relevant kilde til dagliglivet i en dansk købstad i første halvdel af 1800-årene. Museumsdirektør Thomas Bloch Ravn fortæller historien.

Painting From a Danish City in the 1800s
In December 2022 Den Gamle By acquired Martinus Rørbye’s fine painting from 1831 of a market day in Viborg. The painting is now
part of Den Gamle By’s collection of town and city prospects. The painter’s depiction of the subject is so ethnographically accurate
that it is a relevant source for describing daily life in a Danish city in the first half of the 1800s. In the article, Thomas Bloch Ravn tells the story of the painting, the collection of prospects and their value as sources detailing people’s lives in the first half of the 1800s.






Bloch Ravn, T. (2024). En Torvedag i Wiiborg 1831. Den Gamle By: Danmarks Købstadmuseum (Årbog), 89(89), 87–98. Hentet fra https://www.dengamlebyaarbog.dk/article/view/142966