Aarhus Story
Europæisk kulturhovedstad, 2017, byhistorie, museumsformidlingResumé
I 2011 bad Århus Byråd Den Gamle By om at
overtage ansvaret for at være et lokalt museum sideløbende med sin
funktion som nationalt museum. Selvfølgelig takkede vi ja og
gik i gang med at skabe en række udstillinger
om historien om byen Århus.
Det virker overraskende, at selv om Århus har haft museer
i mere end 150 år har der aldrig været en sådan udstilling.
Den Gamle By har udviklet en plan for en underjordisk udstilling
i det område, hvor det er planen, at resten af bygningerne til den moderne bydel vil blive placeret i de kommende år.
Vi besluttede at kalde udstillingen Århus Story for at understrege,
at fokus bør være på storytelling i stedet for
objekter. Vi besluttede også, at udstillingen vil være kronologisk
og strækker sig fra vikingetiden indtil nu - med henblik på i fremtiden. Men det primære fokus
vil være på perioden fra da Århus virkelig tog fart
omkring 1850 indtil nu.
I november 2012 doneret Salling Fonden de nødvendige 70 millioner kroner, hvilket vil gøre det muligt for Den Gamle By
at åbne Århus Story i 2017, det år, hvor Århus vil
være Europas kulturhovedstad .
Aarhus Story vil blive forbundet til Kunstkammeret og Dansk Plakatmuseum og også til de store kældre,
hvor museet planlægger at vise forskellige
former for multimedie-præsentationer. I 2017 vil Den Gamle By derfor ikke kun være et open-air museum, men
også en underjordisk museum .
In 2011 Aarhus City Council asked Den Gamle By to take
over the responsibility of being a local museum alongside its
function as a national museum. Of course, we accepted and
embarked on the task of creating a sequence of exhibitions
about the history of the city of Aarhus.
It seems surprising that although Aarhus has had museums
for more than 150 years, they have never set up such an exhibition.
Den Gamle By developed a plan for an underground exhibition
in the area where it is planned that the rest of the buildings for the modern town district will be situated in the years
to come.
We decided to call the exhibition Aarhus Story, to emphasize
that the focus should be on storytelling instead of
objects. We also decided that the exhibition will be chronological
and stretch from the Viking period until the present
day – with a view into the future. However, the main focus
will be on the period from when Aarhus really took off
around 1850 up till now.
In November 2012 the Salling Foundation donated the
necessary DKK 70 million, which will enable Den Gamle By
to open Aarhus Story in 2017, the year in which Aarhus will
be the Cultural Capital of Europe.
Aarhus Story will be connected to the Gallery of Decorative
Arts and the Poster Museum and also to the large basements,
where the museum is planning to show different
kinds of multimedia presentations. Consequently, in 2017
Den Gamle By will not only be an open-air museum, but
also an underground museum.