Historien venter ikke på os


  • Berit Guldmann Andersen
  • Anne Cathrine Lorentzen
  • Thomas Bloch Ravn


1974, 2014, indsamling, nutid


History won’t wait for you
“Don’t stop in the 70s, Thomas! History won’t wait for you”,
said Olav Aaraas at a conference at Den Gamle By in 2009.
We have now followed his call, and on the occasion of Den
Gamle By’s 100 years centenary, we have initiated a collection
of totalities and details from this very year, 2014.
Until now Den Gamle By’s most recent focus year has
been 1974 – and now this is already 40 years ago. So in
order to be able to keep the museum’s relevance and a direct
connection to present people’s memory we think it is important
to go up in time. At the moment we are therefore
collecting and documenting shops, living rooms, TV, papers,
magazines, advertisements, radio, websites etc in order to
be able to build a trustworthy totality that will give the museum’s
visitors the feeling of being in the year 2014.





Andersen, B. G., Lorentzen, A. C., & Ravn, T. B. (2014). Historien venter ikke på os. Den Gamle By: Danmarks Købstadmuseum (Årbog), 80(80), 128. Hentet fra https://www.dengamlebyaarbog.dk/article/view/20034